Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today, it is my pleasure to welcome another scifi romance writer to the blog. Jessica E. Subject is an extremely productive author who released nine books last year, and she has two new releases today! I'm impressed.

A big welcome to scifi romance writer Jessica E. Subject!

Welcome Jessica! Please tell us your latest news! 

Hey, Maria! Thank you so much for having me on your blog! Today is a double release day for me. One of the stories is a contemporary new adult romance, and the other, Made For Her, is a military sci-fi romance. Busy, but very exciting.

If you were to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Not at all. With both of the stories, I learned so much, both in the research I had to do, and in my edits. In Made For Her, I had to learn how to get a plane off the ground (at least some of the theory), and basic military protocol. It’s all information I keep for future reference as well.

Who is your favorite author, and what really strikes you about their work?

Oh my gosh, this is such a hard question since there are so many authors I love. I guess I’ll just mention that last three authors whose books I read and loved: Pippa Jay, Laura Kaye, and Jennifer L. Armentrout. Two of them were science fiction romance, and the other was a military romance.

Is there a single book or author that made you want to write?

I don’t think there was a particular book or author. I started writing because my daughter was in kindergarten at the time, and she absolutely hated reading. I thought if I could write a book that was personal for her, and something she was interested in, she might enjoy reading more. I wrote that story, but preferred writing adult stories, and I never stopped. I’m happy to say that my daughter now reads above her grade level, and enjoys it. 

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

Oh, I’ve always been interested, taking writing enrichment programs in school, and writing newsletters for my youth group and the store I used to work at. It wasn’t until writing for my daughter that I considered it as more than a hobby.

Do you have a favorite object pertinent to your writing? (Pen, coffee cup, pet, blanket, chair…?

If I’m writing in a notebook, as I usually do, I have to have a comfortable pen. There are many that work, but more that don’t. I have to have a soft grip. And I usually use black ink, though sometimes blue. If I’m editing or critiquing, I always use a red pen. And when I write, I need to have background noise. I can’t write in complete silence

Can you tell us something behind-the-scenes about this book that the readers would love to hear - something not easily found on your website?

With the airplane simulator scene, I had a lot of help from pilot and author, Karlene Petitt. I honestly know nothing about airplanes, especially since I’ve never been in one. Karlene was a HUGE help in writing that particular scene, plus she beta read the story for me as well.

Do your fictional characters develop on their own, or do you have their lives planned out in advance?

I know some basic things about my characters before I start writing their story, but just like when I meet a new person, I learn new things about them all the time. Sometimes, they reveal something that comes as a complete surprise.

Do you base any of your characters personalities off people you know, and if so, do you tell them?

Sometimes. LOL And I have been known to base aspects of a character’s life on people I know. As to whether I tell them, well, that depends on the character and the person they’re based on. I think my story, The Power of Three, is the only one where all the people know the characters are based on them.

Tell us about your all-time favorite character (of your creating.) Is he/she modeled after a real person?

Oh gosh! To pick just one? I can’t do that. In Made For Her, Mikayla and Dare are not modeled after anyone, though, as with all of my heroes and heroines, they do share personality traits of my husband and I. Mrs. Madison is based on many of the older women I’ve met in my life, those older than my mom, but younger than my grandmothers. They were always so sweet and had the most interesting things to say to those willing to listen. And Thompson, well, he’s a guy who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. I’m sure we’ve all met guys like that sometime in our lives.

Would you share with us what inspired you to write a story about clones?

In my previous science fiction romances, I write about aliens, and visiting new planets. With this one, I wanted to try something different. Finding acceptance is a common theme to all of my stories, but in this one, more so. Not only do the clones face rejection from the average person, but they also have to deal with society accepting the science of cloning as a whole. With two strikes against them, their lives are a constant struggle.

What type of scene do you enjoy writing the most?

I enjoy scenes of conflict, whether it is internal, or between characters. That type of dialogue seems to come easiest to me. Though in real life, I tend to avoid conflict, keeping everything internal.

How does it feel when you write? 

I feel free, lost in my own world. And it’s an escape for me as well. I get to take out my stress on my characters rather than real people.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in writing?

Finding readers would have to be the hardest. There are so many wonderful authors and books out there. To get my name and books out there among them can be tough, especially since science fiction romance is such a niche genre. I can’t tell you how many readers have said they can’t find a lot of science fiction romance, and yet I know of hundreds of titles by fellow Science Fiction Romance Brigadiers. But participating in multi-author events really helps.

You have an impressive list of published material. W
hich is your favorite?

Celestial Seduction – 2011
Beneath the Starry Sky – 2011
Unknown Futures – 2012
Never Gonna Let You Go – 2012
Satin Sheets in Space – 2012
An Unexpected Return – 2012
The Power of Three – 2012
Sudden Breakaway – 2012
Crash Landing – 2012
Intergalactic Heat – 2012
Alien Lover – 2012
Accidental Romance – 2013
Made For Her – 2013

Once again, choosing my favorite story is like choosing my favorite character. I can’t do it. But, if I have to, I’d chose Intergalactic Heat, since it’s actually a collection of my 1Night Stand stories already published.

What’s your favorite place you’ve visited?  Do you have a “must see” destination on your bucket list?

My favorite place to visit would have to be Duchesnay Falls in North Bay, Ontario. There is something about that waterfalls that is so relaxing. “Must see” destinations on my bucket list would be Hawaii, Alaska, and SO many places in Europe. 

Is there something funny about you people don’t know?

I’m not really a funny person. I’m really klutzy though. When I was in grade four, I started having fainting spells, and the first time, I had just handed in a math test when I turned around to return to my desk and passed out. I fell backward, and a small chalkboard fell on my head. I’ve broken my toes many times, walking into corners when I’ve been in a rush, and sure the wall jumped out in front of me. Also broke one when I kicked my husband (boyfriend at the time) in the shin because he said something to bug me. Yeah, I don’t even remember what he said.

Anything else you want to share?

Thanks again, Maria, for hosting me today!

Anyone who leaves a comment will be entered to WIN a swag package from my new releases. Contest is international. Winner will be chosen January 19, 2013 and notified by email. Good luck!

Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate the visit! C'mon people, comment and win some goodies! 

Made For Her Blurb:

After terrorists murder the love of her life, Colonel Mikayla Jones trains squadron after squadron of the clones he brought to life, to take to the skies. When she discovers a young clone of her husband in her newest class, her world spins out of control. How can she command the look-a-like when she can’t help but yearn for him to fill an ache in her heart?

Dare was created to be the best. As the first Daniel clone to leave Onatria labs, he needs to prove he is more than just a DNA copy. To do that, he must rely on the wife of the man who donated his genes. But when she refuses to train him, Dare faces discharge and returning to the labs. Can he convince Colonel Jones to finish his training and find a way into her bed? Or will long kept secrets unhinge the entire clone project?

Now available from Decadent Publishing and other ebook retailers.  More information and Buy Links

Author Bio and more information:

Jessica Subject started writing to encourage her daughter to read. Now she writes to keep herself grounded. Although she reads many genres, she enjoys writing Science Fiction Romance the most and believes everyone in the universe deserves a happily ever after. She lives Southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids and loves to hear from her readers.

To learn more about Jessica, and to contact her, check out these links:

Don't forget to comment to enter Jessica's giveaway!

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