Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interview with June Foster

Today, I am delighted to present author June Foster. She writes inspirational romance, which is a completely new genre to me, and I'm very exicted to learn more. June is "The Roving Writer" because she also travels full time!

June Foster - the Roving Writer

Welcome June! I'm curious to hear how your interest in writing originated!

After I retired from teaching, I found a story lurking in my head. I could even see the characters and what they were doing. Yet, I didn't think anything about it. One day I told my daughter about the story. Her casual remark that I should write it was the spark I needed. That was in November 2009. I began pounding on my Toshiba laptop, read every "how to" book I could get my hands on, and joined ACFW. I can only contribute it to God putting the desire in my heart, because I'd never been interested in writing before.

How does your family feel about having a writer in the family? Do they read your books?

When I first started writing, I think my husband thought I'd lost my mind, but he's been so supportive. My debut novel, Give Us This Day, will be available in two more days at the time of this writing, and he promises to download it to his Kindle. My oldest daughter and granddaughter have both promised to download it. My youngest daughter read Give Us This Day before I had a contract on it.

Do you have a favorite object pertinent to your writing?

Well, since I write inspirational romance, my characters discover God's plan for their lives by the end of the story but not without many missteps. So I keep my Bible nearby so I can offer the characters direction.

What do you love about your latest book?

In Give Us This Day, Jess Colton finds victory in his life over his addictive personality and the compulsion to overeat. I love it when characters listen to their advisors and the word of God for healing.

Can you tell us something behind-the-scenes about this book that the readers would love to hear - something not easily found on your website?

The town of Bellewood in the Bellewood Series is based on Bellevue, Washington, and many other parts of the Seattle area.

What type of scene do you enjoy writing the most?

I love to write scenes where the level of conflict is high or when the character has to make a choice - to go God's way or follow their own desires. For example in Give Us This Day, Holly Harrison must forgive her old boyfriend. She was on the back of his motorcycle when they had an accident, and she lost the lower part of her left leg. She tells him about his baby she lost to miscarriage the same night. The tension is high and both characters must change and grow as a result of the encounter.

In As We Forgive, the hero, young pastor Tim Garrett has to choose whether he's going to give in to the advances of a beautiful woman who's a new Christian or do it God's way. Though he loves her, he knows God's plan is for intimacy to be confined to marriage. Tim makes the right choice.

For more information, visit June at:

June also has an author page at Desert Breeze Publishing:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nowadays, few authors can keep me up reading all night; even the most exciting book stands no chance against the Sandman - in my case he doesn't settle for sprinkling dust in the eyes; he places lead weights on top of the eyelids. Christy Elkins's books do the trick; her imagination knocks me off my feet with unpredictable plot twists and characters so real they feel like old friends. Christy has written a number of books in different genres, both for children and adults.

Christy Elkins - Fortunate Mommy by Day, Whirl Wind Writer by Night!

Welcome Christy! Please tell us your latest news!
Christy Elkins

I recently released Unchanged and am currently working on a book that is close to my heart and has already taken me two years.

Do you have a favorite object pertinent to your writing? (Pen, coffee cup, pet, blanket, chair…?
Music.  I love how music can set the mood for any situation.  If you need to write something dark or chilling and then switch gears to the light hearted it is as easy as switching the tone of music.  

What do you love about your latest book?  

My last book, Unchanged, surprised me because it was a little adventurous. It had spontaneous fights, murders and even an explosion!  I never saw myself writing anything like that, but I found myself on the edge of my own seat in parts of it and it was tremendous fun!

Do your fictional characters develop on their own, or do you have their lives planned out in advance? 

I start out with an idea of what might happen but books are like children and have away of taking on a life of their own.  In Unchanged, I had an idea who the main character would marry, but she chose independently and I am pleased with her choice. I find it amusing that during my writing process I am often surprised by what happens and the new characters that come into the story.  It is almost as if I am watching my own private little movie in my head and I am just as thrilled and shocked as I hope the readers will be.  

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in writing?  

Courage.  I think we writers tend to stand in our own way.  I have the hardest time talking about myself or my work, so whether I am writing a synopsis for the back of a book or a query letter, I choke.  It isn’t a lack of belief in my work because I love my stories, but maybe just a lack of confidence in myself.  A sort of disbelief that yes this is real and yes I am an author, not just a wife, mother, friend and everything else that one’s daily life entails.

Is there something funny about you people don’t know?

Even though my books can be emotional, I am really a light hearted person.  I love to laugh and am quite a dork, but comedy is not an easy thing to write.  I have read very few authors who can successfully make me laugh on paper. 

Anything else you want to share?

If you are a writer or want to be, I say nothing’s stopping you, go for it.  There is nothing wrong with pursuing a dream, just don’t expect to get rich or have a movie made.  I know that sounds harsh, but I think this is the part that exhausts me most.  I write because I love it and sometimes, just sometimes I have something real to say.  When you go public about writing every writer in the world comes out and wants you to read and review their material.  Which is awesome, but I am not a critic, so the best I can do is offer my opinion and a lot of times it is that none of us should quit our day job anytime soon.  Writing is a tuff arena and there are many talented writers out there who will never be read by a publisher.  So do it because you LOVE it and because it enhances who you are not because you want to be rich and famous, I think that attitude diminishes what we do.  So have fun and forget about grandeur, once you’ve done the work you’ve already achieved the dream, the rest is just icing.
