Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Interview with Roxanne Rhoads

For my first book release, I turned to Bewitching Book Tours to get some help with promotions, and I've stuck with the company since; they do a fantastic job. I soon discovered that talented publicist Roxanne Rhoads has more than marketing on her plate; she is also a great writer taking readers into sizzling journeys into the supernatural. Today, it is my pleasure to welcome her to my blog! Oooh, by the way, her book Hex and the Single Witch is available free on Amazon February 13 and 14, so if you haven't grabbed it yet, now's a good time.

Welcome Roxanne Rhoads!

Roxanne, I am happy to have you here today. Please tell us your latest news.

Thank you for having me.

I have a few things in the works for 2013 (if I can manage to finish them). I have a series of erotic poetry eBooks I plan to publish along with book two in the Vehicle City Vampires series.

I have read your book Hex and the Single Witch – and have a bad conscience for not writing a review yet. How did you decide to write about witches, vampires, and other supernatural occurrences?

They’ve always been a part of me. Even when I was a kid I gravitated towards anything that had ghosts, witches and whatnot in them (The Munsters, The Addams Family, Scooby Doo, and any book that was spooky or otherworldly). Then when I was 10 or 11 I found Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire at a garage sale, and that made vampires my number one obsession.

Besides authoring, you also run your own company and have a family. Do you have any tips to share for combining these different roles? 

Organization and time management. I have to-do lists and files that keep me on track and I try to stick to a schedule and routine every day. Of course with kids I have to be flexible because there are always doctor appointments, parent teacher conferences, and snow days but luckily my husband’s job is also very flexible so we can trade off on appointments and kid duties. It’s nice that neither of us have a 9-5pm stuck in a building job. It makes having a life and family time a lot easier to fit in with work schedules and responsibilities.

Please tell us about your latest book. I love that cover, by the way!

 Hex and the Single Witch
Vehicle City Vampires Book One
By Roxanne Rhoads

Publisher: Bewitching Books
Genre: Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy
Word Count: 83,000

Anwyn Rose is descended from a long line of powerful witches yet she can barely cast spells young witchlings have mastered. She has one functioning witch gift, the power of knowing, which she puts to good use as a Detective on Flint’s Preternatural Investigation Team.
It’s a new era in Vehicle City, supernaturals are running the town.

The P.I.T has their hands full with paranormal crimes. Top priority is a serial killer, who appears to be a vampire, draining young women in the city.

Anwyn is on the case with her sexy partner Detective Mike Malone. Complicating things is her relationship Galen, a vampire who looks more guilty than innocent, although Anwyn trusts her instincts even if her power is on the fritz.

Mysterious spells, compromising situations, and a possible demon on the loose make it hard to focus on the case, but Anwyn has to make things right before the human police execute the wrong vampire.

Hex and the Single Witch contains magick, a little bit of mystery, a lot of supernatural mayhem, and a sexy love triangle that will leave you wanting more.

Check it out for Amazon Kindle 

Who is your favorite author, and what really strikes you about their work?

Oh man that’s hard. I have a huge list of favorites- Kim Harrison, Jeaniene Frost, Darynda Jones, Juliet Blackwell, Annette Blair, Chloe Neill….I am an eclectic reader and all of these authors have grabbed my attention and kept it for various reasons. Kim Harrison’s books are character and plot driven and keep me wanting more; Jeaniene Frost… the relationship between Cat and Bones is swoon worthy; Darynda Jones has a wacky sense of humor that had me laughing out loud within two pages of her first Grave book; being an antique buff I love Juliet Blackwell’s weaving of historical homes and vintage clothing in her mysteries; Annette Blair also weaves magic and vintage clothing in her vintage magic series plus Annette’s humor had me hooked with the first book I read of hers, The Kitchen Witch.

Is there a single book or author that made you want to write?

No, I think I was born with a pen in my hand. Books have always been a part of my life, so has writing. Growing up I wrote for all the school publications and I won numerous essay contests. I even won a scholarship to college from a local newspaper. Ink runs through my veins.

I read a funny story on your Facebook wall one day about your husband trying to explain a book he read, and it turned out to be one of yours. That had me chuckling for a long time. Does your family generally read your books?

My husband does. Since many of my books have erotic content the kids don’t get to read those (obviously) yet though my daughter is waiting impatiently (she’s almost 14). I have other non-fiction and poetry that they do read though. I’m happy to share that with the family. My mom has taken my non-fiction and magazines to the senior center with her to show them off to her friends. ;-)

Do you have a favorite object pertinent to your writing? (Pen, coffee cup, pet, blanket, chair…?)

My comfy corner and my office chair- that’s my work zone. It has a great view of the woods behind my house. I can watch squirrels and birds play all day long.

Do your fictional characters develop on their own, or do you have their lives planned out in advance?

They develop on their own, sometimes in ways I am totally against. In Hex and the Single Witch Mike Malone totally high jacked the story. He was never supposed to be a love interest for Anwyn. Apparently he had other ideas.

Do you base any of your characters personalities off people you know, and if so, do you tell them?

Most of my characters are a mixed up mash of many people I know tossed in with some fiction. Many of my heroines display some of my traits mixed with traits I wish I had ;-), some of the villians are based on an ex or two, and then there’s my mother…yeah some of her traits get thrown into the mother roles. But for the most part I’d say the characters are 85% percent complete fiction.

Hahaha, creating villains out of exes, that's hilarious and a great idea. Tell us about your all-time favorite character (of your creating.) Is he/she modeled after a real person?

Mike Malone has to be my favorite because he has layers. And there’s no angst or drama like with the vampires. Plus he developed on his own. He was a side character that popped up and said “hey here I am, I’m not staying on the sidelines.” And he hasn’t. Much to my surprise he turned out to be a real hero and an awesome guy. I’m looking forward to more of Mike in the upcoming Vehicle City Vampires books.

Of all the wonderful pieces you’ve written (Please list them all so I don’t miss one or worse, misspell one), which is your favorite?

That’s hard. I think A Halloween to Remember may be my favorite because it was so much fun to write. I went a little wild on that one. It can be purchased as en book by itself and it appears in my anthology Paranormal Pleasures.

Book List with publisher:

Hex and the Single Witch, Bewitching Books
Paranormal Pleasures Ten Tales of Supernatural Seduction, Bewitching Books
Sinister Seductions, Crushing Hearts Black Butterfly
Complete Circle, Noble Romance
An Unexpected Evening, Noble Romance
No Place I'd Rather Be, Noble Romance
Naughty Little Forest Nymph, Xcite Books
Eternal Desire, Eternal Press
Insatiable, Eternal Press
Tasty Christmas Treats, Eternal Press
Erotic Dreamspell, L&L Dreamspell
A Halloween To Remember, Excessica
Lust Bites, Xcite Books
Daily Flashes of Erotica Quarterly 2, Pill Hill Press
Spirit Lovers 2, Xcite Books
Candy Cane Thrills, Xcite Books
Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler, Xcite Books
Red Hot Reads 3, Xcite Books
Like That Spark, Circlet Press
Lasting Lust, Ravenous Romance
Dark Pleasures, Mélange Books
Torrid Teasers Volume 59, Whiskey Creek Press-Torrid
Alfresco Loving, Xcite Books
Of Leather & Lace, Firefly and Wisp
Everything Erotic: The Best of Short Fiction 2011, Red Hot Publishing
Bella Morte: A Beautiful Death Anthology, Hot Ink Press

Wow, that's an impressive list. Thank you so much for stopping by today! :-)

About Roxanne:

Story strumpet, tome loving tart, eccentric night owl...these words describe book publicist and erotic romance author Roxanne Rhoads.

When not fulfilling one the many roles being a wife and mother of three require, Roxanne's world revolves around words...reading them, writing them, editing them, and talking about them. In addition to writing her own stories she loves to read, promote and review what others write.

Roxanne is the owner of Bewitching Book Tours and operates Fang-tastic Books, a book blog dedicated to paranormal and urban fantasy books.

When not reading, writing, or promoting Roxanne loves to hang out with her family, craft, garden and search for unique vintage finds.

See more of Roxanne:

Author blog:
Book Blog:
Bewitching Book Tours:,
Twitter: @RoxanneRhoads
Roxanne can also be found on Linked In, Goodreads and Google+

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