Sunday, April 1, 2012

Interview with Jillian Chantal

Very exciting day today - welcoming talented Jillian Chantal to the blog. Her new book comes out April 15, and is definitely something to keep eyes open for!

Jillian Chantal, romance with international flair

Please tell us your latest news!

My newest book from Desert Breeze Publishing comes out April 15, 2012. It's Book One of The Gambler's Inheritance series and is called The Gambler. So, when you're bemoaning that it's tax day, you can escape with a mystery/romance novel.

What do you love about your latest book?

I love the fact that my heroine is psychic and has her visions in an odd way. She's not your run of the mill psychic. I also realized about half way through the book that I was writing a variation on the Cinderella theme. Being a pantser, that came as a surprise.

Can you tell us something behind-the-scenes about this book that readers would love to hear - something not easily found on your website?

I flew out to California and spent two days and nights on the Queen Mary in order to research the story. I took the ghost tour as well as the behind the scenes tour. I hope it makes the book feel authentic and pulls the reader into the scenes in a good way.

Do your fictional characters develop on their own, or do you have their lives planned out in advance?

Oh, on their own, for sure. Part of the joy of writing for me is the adventure of the first draft. I start with a basic premise and it grows organically from there. Such fun for me!

Would you share with us what inspired you to write the story?

I love the early Twentieth Century and am a huge history buff of all the different ages and eras. I just adore reading and studying about things that happened in the past. This book came from my fascination about the older ocean liners. I also have another novel out with Desert Breeze Publishing, called Redemption for the Devil which takes place in 1920 and is on the Mauretania.

Living on the Gulf of Mexico makes me a water person and so, my fascination with oceans and history made me want to write these kind of stories.

What's your favorite place you've visited? Do you have a "must see" destination on your bucket list?

I love the British Isles. I base a lot of my stories there or have characters from England, Scotland, or Ireland. I haven't written a Welshman yet, but want to.

Is there something funny about you people don't know?

I am a roller coaster nut. I love, love, love to ride them. It is so much fun to go backwards, loop around, fly up and down hills and just plain have fun with them. The weird thing about it is that I can ride them all day long and not get sick, but put me in one of those movie theaters that have the 360 degree screen and I get so nauseated that I think I'm going to die. I got so sick at the Oh Canada show in EPCOT, I had to go outside and vomit. Crazy, huh?

Anything else you want to share?

I hope that anyone who reads this story enjoys it. I had a blast writing it and figuring out the whodunit myself! LOL! Thanks for having me come in. I enjoyed the questions. They were fun and well thought out.

For more information, visit Jillian at:

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